COVID-19 Policy/Procedures –
Please see our announcement for guidelines we are following to keep our patients and staff safe.

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COVID-19 Policy/Procedures Update

To Our Patient Family!!!

We hope this announcement finds you and your family healthy and doing well. While these have been difficult times for everyone, we have made the decision to re-open our office to routine care, May 18th !!

We will continue to be focused on providing eye health and vision care in the safest manner possible. We will be following the recommendations and guidance of the CDC, the American Optometric Association, OSHA and the Orange County Health Agency.

DOORS WILL CONTINUE TO REMAIN LOCKED- but to further insure a safe and healthy environment within the office we will be making the following changes:

* When scheduling and confirming your appointment, we will be asking several screening questions about your current health, getting as much information regarding insurance and to help complete any necessary forms remotely prior to your appointment.

* We will ask you to wear a mask of your own (if available) into the office. All of our staff and doctors will be wearing masks as well

· We will ask you to call from your car when you arrive for your appointment, using your car and our parking lot as a “virtual reception room”. You will be notified by phone to enter the office at which time you will be asked to use hand sanitizer (provided), your temperature will be taken quickly and easily with a non-contact infrared thermometer, prior to being moved directly to an exam room.

* We have spaced our appointments to minimize the number of people in the office at one time and to allow for the appropriate social distancing.

We appreciate you trust and loyalty and look forward to seeing you soon!

Please call to make an appointment, or with any eye or vision concerns.


Dr. Kaku and the Fullerton Vision Center Eye Care Team